I am all that has been, and is, and shall be, and my veil no mortal
has yet uncovered"
- Isis
Wat Hor
The way of Horus. the path taken by the Shemsu
The Reborn has been here since the first times, the Zep Tepi. The Shemshu-Heru following
their fanatical leader Horus in his personal war against Set while others that
he calls traitors have widened their War to all of Apep's children. The Silent
Striders have born their exile with millennia of stoic fortitude and there are
no greater Vampire killers than these were Jackals in all of Gaia's armies. The
survives barely with a questionable loyalty, blackmailed into treachery by
Set's imprisonment of their few remaining Feline Kinfolk. The most powerful
Tradition of Mages is a poor reflection of the great Cult of Thoth. The Hem Ka
Sobk lurk in the graveyards and back streets of the Middle east and the Mokole
still breed with the sacred Crocodiles of the Nile.
The land of Khem is all too entrenched in the World
of Darkness and its intersecting Jyhads. Even the ignorance of the mortals
cannot help but feel the draw of this great Kingdom, from Hollywood to Harvard Ancient Egypt puts food
on a thousand tables.
Maybe, or maybe this web of sacred and profane mystery has secrets masters all
of its own. A conciliation of faithful servants and manipulated dupes governed
by one who has watched mankind drag itself back from the muddy swamps of the
post deluge world and claw itself to its current self destructive heights. An organisation
hidden by a veil of secrecy and obfuscation and devoted to a single purpose
above and beyond the petty ego of any Antediluvian or Tribe Elder.
As for the robes, those of Isis are
variegrated in thier colours; for her power is concerned with matter which
becomes everything and recieves everything, light and darkness, day and night.
fire and water, life and death, beggining and end."
- Proverbs 8
Isis, Queen of Khem, Methuselah of the Osirian Clan and centre of the Web of
faith knows the answer to this suspicion all to well, for she is the answer to
this and all questions. The Veil of Isis has been torn, frayed and patched up
countless times but it has never broken. While Empires rose and fell, religions
mutated and floundered, Dark ages came and went, the veil of
has endured to preserve the glories of Khem. Its goals are myriad and at times
unguessable, but at its core is the furtherance of mankind and the defeat of
the forces of Izfet wielded by Apophis in all its guises. An organisation that
includes priests, thieves, warriors, merchants, spies and more than a few
wandering supernaturals follows the dictates of a Vampire they worship as a
Goddess in an endless battle against Evil. The prize is the survival of mankind
The Osirian Clan was short-lived in that it didn't last long enough to face the
deluge. Supposedly only a single member of the Clan, Khetamon, survived the
Setites pogrom and he concentrated on converting Vampires of other Clans. But
Isis, fourth generation Child of Osiris, also survived. In the Zep Tepi
Nephthys, the Childe of Sutekh, was originally entitled the Mistress of heaven and
the Underworld, but her elder sister Isis later ascended to the title of Queen
of Heaven and the pair of sisters became a feminine duality. In the eyes of the
faithful Isis was the embodiment of life and
Nephthys the Avatar of what lay beyond death, the passive forces that allowed
osiris to be ressurected. This paradigm was so central to Egyptian philosophy
that no one questioned Isis's extended
lifespan and nobody would dare entertain the possibility of her undead nature.
Thus while all know that the Twilight Princess had been a Nak and had been
murdered by her husband, the Queen's final fate was never recorded. Egyptians
of the Dynastic period worshipped Isis as a
Goddess without ever realising that she was among them. Osiris has lent his
name to the practice of Vampires living as God's, but it was in fact his Wife
who mastered the skill.
The spell of Life, the most potent magic ever devised by a human mind, was the
sole province of the Veil of Isis but the Cult were always a separate body from
the Reborn themselves. While the creatures known as the Mummy's knew the basics
of the first half of the ritual they had undergone, the head priestess and her
assistant, representing Isis and Nephthys, were the only ones invested with the
two halves that completed the spell, and even they could not carry it out
alone. Should they try to tell anyone else except for their replacement,
irresistible Mind and entropy magick's would destroy her intellect and
information therein. Isis and her priestesses alone had the skill and devotion
capable of transforming a mortal man or woman into one of the undying. If the
Shemshu-Heru were the only thing that stood between Mankind and the corruption
of Set that they believed themselves to be, they owed their very existence to
the veil of
Isis. Horus needed to be reminded
of this often as he was not the most grateful of children, but many of the Undying
held the veil of Isis in high respect. As more
and more Mummy's began to turn their back upon Horus and his single minded lust
for revenge, it was the Veil of Isis that gave them new direction and
challenge. These turncoats were smitten with a variety of derogatory names from
the Shemshu-Heru such as Ishmalites and Dogs of Apep, but to the Priesthood of
Isis they were beloved children and treasures to be adored. The Veil of Isis
was only too happy to absorb these disenfranchised immortals into their ranks
and together with the Mages and a handful of Vampires the cult emerged as a
multi-(supernatural)-racial entity.
After Alexander the Greats campaign,
Egypt was ruled by a foreign
dynasty and their customs were vastly different to the ways of Khem. The wives
of Greece
were downtrodden and powerless for the most part and the cult had little
influence on the Hellenic kingdoms. The Ptolemy's, who ruled Egypt after Alexander the Great,
adopted many local custom's and the inherent misogyny of most Greek states was
weaker here. The Cult of Isis did what it could to counter the Followers of Set
and the influx of other Supernatural powers but they knew the empire was past
its zenith and they began to look beyond the Deserts of Egypt.
The Cult of Isis flowed, like the life giving
into the ritual worship of the virgin Mary and by the 4th century her control
over Marianism was unshakable. The Images of Isis suckling Horus morphed into
the Madonna and Child of the Roman church and the concept remained as fertile
as ever. Even the idea of the three Magi at the nativity is a direct reforming
of a tale told on a mural at Philae. In this
picture Augustus is shown offering Isis Myrrh while Tiberius offers milk and
incense, as well as animals sacred to the Goddess. This adaptation and mutation
of focus allowed the Veil of Isis to survive even after the land of its birth
had waned.
Now the Veil had cemented its subtle influence over the wives and mistresses of
the Roman senate, it fenced with the Vampires and Mages of the eternal city
from behind the demure and divine hierodule and Vestal virgins.
Rome's influence spread
across the Globe and the Veil followed in its wake. Celtic Britain, Dacian
Romania, Antioch, Byzantium,
Gaul, Iberia,
Africa the entire civilized world was ruled by
Patricians and the patricians were ruled by their wives. As the Veil spread
throughout the Empire, so did the spell of Life and the Undying. The heyday of
the Shemshu-Heru was over, but non-Egyptian immortals were still being created.
By avoiding any overt grabs for power and/or direct challenges to the Vampires
of the Empire the Veil of Isis survived the dangers of the Jyhad with panache.
The Veil of Isis maintained its influence in the harems of
Egypt throughout the rule of the
Arabs, the Fatimids, the Ayyubids, the Mamuluks and the Ottoman Turks and each
of these empires carried her influence further and further. The priestesses
gathered and improved upon the millennia of subtle manipulation and well
planned suggestion and those whom they taught became the power behind the
greatest thrones of the earth. When one considers the truth behind the proverb
that begins 'behind every great man
' it is easy to see how the Cult
maintained its power without ever having to expose itself to the Jyhad. The
presence of the Undying allowed the Veil to survive all manner of internal and
external pressures. Isis herself never passed on her curse because she found
that she was less inclined to the eternal loneliness that prompted other
vampires to create childer because the Undying could share her extended outlook
on life even if they didn't share her unlife. She carefully orchestrated not
only her web of mortal alliances, but also the survival of Egypt's
Shadowlands. The Undying travelled to Ammenti and back again, fulfilling her
wishes by proxy.
Byzantium and Rome
the Veil spread into the eastern European lands and the great Princes of the Holy Roman Empire, educated in statesmanship by their
mothers, became the newest blades of the Harem conspiracy. From there they
infiltrated the salons of Paris and the palaces
of Vienna without difficulty and once the
Europeans crossed the Atlantic, the priesthood
joined the throng of supernaturals who followed them.
While the Kuei-Jin of cathay managed to prevent any Western Vampires from
entering thier territory, the mages who folled
had taught their eastern peers the Spell of Life. Long before the Shemshu-Heru
made a concerted move to the America's,
the Veil of Isis had created its first Andean Mummy. As the American nation was
formed, the Priesthood discovered a peculiar breed of vampires in South America that seemed to descend from their nemesis
the Followers of Set. These Ahua Can
Vampires and the Veil of Isis discovered a small degree of common ground in
their war against the Darkness and managed to hold a delicate truce for over a
During the 18th and early 19th century
Egypt became a mortal fetish. All
forms of Egyptian mysticism and philosophy was in vogue. Characters such as
Madam Blavatsky and various members of the Golden Dawn crept around the edges
of the Order of Hermes, and occult practitioners seemed to be crawling out of
the woodwork. The Cult of Isis found itself able to gather not only new
acolytes but also several wealthy backers. The idle rich were only too happy to
provide money and property in return for the secrets of ancient Egypt and the
Priesthood has been able to support itself ever since. The Web of Isis now
includes temples and country estates in several countries including a vast
retreat in the Essex countryside of England
and a Art Neavou style Temple in Chicago.
From back street Café's in the
Khan El-Khalili Suq to the necropolis of
the city of the dead in Cairo from the Head shops of LA with their faux
canopic jars and mass produced Scarab jewellery, from the Market stalls of
Camden in London to the New Age temples devoted to Isis and Osiris in cities
across the globe, the Net catches all who remember when Gods stalked the Earth.
This is the Veil of Isis in the final nights!!
-Magickal Style
Common Foci
I gave and ordained laws for men, which no man is able to change
I am she that is called Goddess by women
I made with my brother Osiris an end to the eating of men
I revealed mysteries unto men
I am Queen of rivers and winds and sea
No one is held in honour without my knowing it
I am the Queen of War
I am Queen of the Thunderbolt
I am in the rays of the Moon
I set free those in Bonds
I overcome fate
The Queen of Khem surrounded herself with a secret group of loyal servants
through whom she could extend protection to those of her subjects worst
effected by the machinations of Osiris and Sutekh. This society never claimed a
name for itself but was called alternatively the Veil, Web or Net of Isis. This
name came from the Pepium, a veil or tunic that was a symbol for both her and
the warrior Goddess Neith. Legend held that the Pepium is the covering with
which humanity was clothed in flesh and mortal form. The people of Khem also
spoke of the Peplos, the celestial veil of the Gods, a protective skin that
awakened fear in all who saw it. By the time of the Greeks, who called the veil
Aegis, it had become a protective support and Athena shaped it into a shield to
give to Perseus. Even Thoth,
Isis pupil, was
forced to concede her greatness. His greatest temple was called 'The House
of the Net'.
It is little wonder that Isis and those later Goddesses she used to mask her
presence was seen as a protective garment, passive and yet supportive and
unyielding, for this was her nature. In life she was adept Mage, a true
daughter of Lilith with a instinctive grasp of the mechanics of Life and the
embrace only heightened these skills. While the men of the Neteru set the
powers of pharaoh against Warlord,
Isis made
alliances. The Cult of Thoth controlled the Scribes and the Chief Ministers
while Sutekh and Osiris, and later Horus, battled to control the Pharoah's, but
Isis controlled the Harem's and thus the Queens.
By the time a man became Pharaoh and attracted the attention of the men, he had
already been a Prince for years and his earliest influences were female. By
controlling the Queens Isis controlled change, the agency of the future.
She could achieve great compromises in her marriage bed by the subtle breaching
of delicate subjects in the post coital moments when her husband was as weak as
all men become in that moment. These favours and concessions she bartered for
other conciliations and in small ways she made life and Unlife a little easier
in Khem. Her friendship with the wives, Queens, concubines and daughters of the
other great leaders made her a powerful force for diplomacy and negotiation
beside the
Nile. Across Khem the pillow talk
and words of seduction in the harems and lotus dens was a tool of Isis, it was her web, a veil of night.
No one, perhaps even Isis herself, truly realised how wide this net was cast.
It fell over the
and the Simba, the Mokole and the Garou, the Magi, priests, merchants, Desert
princes, Haibiru, Soldiers, Slaves and scribes. It took a great tragedy to
quantify her power. The siege of Par-Bast, when Sutekh sent his armies to the
Children of the moon, led to Isis calling in
all of her allies. The resultant underground force was enough to save Queen
Bast and many of her subjects and to thwart Sutekh's first open move for power.
It also ensured that Sutekh would never again leave his older sister out of his
plans for vengeance.
She, wild web, wondrous robe
Mantles the guilty globe
And men are meant to share
Her life as life does air
Ascension for the Veil of Isis magi is no different to the goals of the mundane
Priesthood, a matter of achieving Maat and the defeat of Apophis the devourer
and the other agents of Izfet. Maat itself is a personal matter, a doctrine not
of following an outside Dogma but of being true to ones own expectations. When
Judgement is decreed the Heart of the individual is weighed against the feather
of Maat and no religious text or guru will be able to effect the outcome. To
some, the difficult path of Maat resembles the Bushido walked by Samurai of the
east in that it is a thankless task and only the practitioner is aware of her
achievements or failures.
To the Priesthood, existence is out of balance due to the proliferation of the
agents of darkness. If Vampires stalk the night, Demons roam free and the
forces of Evil prey upon mankind there needs to be an equal amount of benign
entities to ensure that the world exists in harmony. They are taught that they
must work unflinchingly to promote the ethics of Maat because the world lacks
balance, but that good and evil are both essential. The Priesthood are taught
that for every success they gain, the scales are tipped and the enemy is made
aware of their victory. Each time Maat is strengthened by an individual, she must
expect the darkness to rewrite the balance. For the Mages this is most often
seen as the cause of Paradox but for all members of the Cult it grants an
explanation for life's miseries large or small. This philosophy lends the
Priesthood a stoic outlook upon life and death that might seem cold to
outsiders. Death and misfortune are accepted without passion because all know
that the price of their faith is balance.
The story of Set and Osiris is used to teach how the world was intended to
work, portraying both Gods as half of the scales. Those who mistake Osiris as a
wonderful patriarch are reminded of his crimes and failings while educated upon
the glory of Set's battles to protect Ra from Apophis. Characters like Horus
are also used to illustrate the difficult path the Veil must tread.
Isis gave her son Immortality to preserve Maat, so he
might ascend his fathers throne without the hindrances of the Vampiric beast,
but he was obsessed with his revenge and could not see the larger picture. To
Isis and her devotees, Horus is a failure. The Veil must work hard to avoid
hubris and distraction while maintaining a personal code of honour. How the
Vampire Queen herself manages to retain her control is unknown but at the very
least she walks a rigid and unique path of enlightenment that is a reflection
of the struggle her mortal priestesses must face.
The Tomb Watchers - Crafters of Amulets
Throughout its existence the Veil of Isis have watched over the corpses of
their beloved dead. Some of this cadavers were truly dead, while others were
the dormant forms of the undying, a few were the actual Vampires who remained
loyal to the Goddess. Their duty led them to recruit morticians, as well as
architects and builders. They are skilled in the building and securing of tombs
and havens, and in magical devices. As befits their role as defenders of bodies
and tombs, the Kher-minu specialize in spells that create magical amulets and
revere Ptah as their patron God.
Whether safeguarding the bodies of their dearest companions, beloved family or
their own mummified remains, the Tomb Watchers follow a purpose that is as
noble as their new forms are elegant. Ultimately they try to protect the
existence and well being of every living thing.
The Scroll-bearers - Masters of the Art of Alchemy
Those of the veil of Isis described as the
Khri-habi are all Mages or sorcerers of one description or another, charged
with casting the spells essential for the Cults continued existence. It is
members of the Khri-habi who conduct the Spell of Life and who maintain the
mundane legacies of the Undying while they are dormant. Their training as
healers and sorcerer-priests appears in the Khri-habi's talent for Alchemy. As
alchemy seeks to turn base metals into gold, so the Khri-habi seek to purify
the bodies and minds of those they encounter. Their ultimate goal is to heal
the world of the evils of Apophis.
The Night Suns, or Vessels of Ra - Seers of the Celestial
Members of the Mesektet cult serve as advisors and seers for the veil of Isis, as well as interpreters for the will of the Gods.
They understand Ma'at most completely and are dedicated to thwarting the agents
of Izfet such as Apophis (the Wyrm), Sutekh (and his Nak followers) and the
The Night Suns search for the signs of fate in the heavens while striving to
bring the will of the gods to the earth.
The Spirit Sceptres - Artificers of Effigy (Ushabti)
Sakhmu retain the role of Priests much as it existed in ancient Khem. They
beseech the gods for aid and to attend to the needs and ceremonies of the
divine. Daily they must lie out food for the statues of the Gods and see to
their dressing and adoration. These statues, the physical manifestations of the
divine spiritual beings, become all important to the Sakhmu priests and
priestesses, and no other cult is more attuned to the Ushabti and golems of the
temples. The Spirit Sceptres continually seek a greater understanding of their
role as eternal link between the two worlds. By studying living creatures,
especially the unique natures of both the Undead and the undying, Sakhmu gain a
greater understanding of how Matter and spirit coexist in life. They see that
they are the hand of a greater architect and skilfully bring the power of the
spiritual realms to the art they craft. Insight into the spirit world inspires
the Sakhmu to invest their crafts with the spark of the divine. The Sakhmu have
long had a close relationship with those Shapeshifters who work with the Veil
of Isis. The shared philosophy of the two groups has been beneficial to both
and members of the Silent strider tribe of garou, the Bubastis Bastet and the
Heri-Shi Mokole are often found alongside the Sakhmu.
The Unbandaged Ones - Adepts of Necromancy
In the years that followed the Diaspora, aspects of the Cult of Isis and the
Hem-ka-Sobk joined together. The aesthetic self-flagellation and self-denial of
the Sunu allowed the newly emerged Sefekhi to work with the darkest aspects of
the soul, the Khaibit. The Khaibit is the driving and aggressive essence of the
being. It epitomizes drive of all sorts: rage and lust as well as the desire
for mastery and success. Even the Egyptians feared its unrestricted animalistic
urges. The Sefekhi perform the most violent and dangerous sacred tasks,
accepting the burdens of sin and Izfet for their actions. Occasionally found in
the company of vampires, the Sefekhi rarely if ever dwell in close proximity to
other devotees of Isis; instead they flock to
inner city communities and urban havens. These darkly aspected followers carry
out assassinations, infiltrations and conduct the most forbidden of magic from
their havens.
- Masters of Nomenclature (Ren Hekau)
The Mages of the Veil of Isis are closest to the Verbena model, specialising in
the Life Sphere and revelling in the carnal aspects of existence. They respect
the skills of the midwife and the mother, and as such have held a role in the
Middle east that echoes that of the Western witches. The
Spheres of Prime and Spirit hold a specifically religious significance to the
Priestly Mages, and the control over Time, Matter and Correspondence is a gift
from Isis herself. Only those who walk in Ma'at can practice mind magic, or so
they believe and Entropy is only manipulated by those whose devotion to Ma'at
is strong enough to deal with its opposing force. Entropy is viewed as the
paradigm of Izfet, even in the aspects that are recognisably benign, and Mages
who cannot grasp the importance of the duality are proscribed from seeking any
abilities with the Sphere.
Unsurprisingly their rotes are similar to the Hekau of the Undying; Advise
sought through fortune telling (Celestial) is incredibly important to the Veil
of Isis, no major action is taken without first consulting the stars, the
flight of sacred Ibis or the flow of menstrual blood over holy symbols. The
Magic of ancient
eventually split between the Hermetic cult of Thoth and the synergetic and
sympathetic style of the Veil of Isis, but for both philosophies the creation
of powerful Foci (Effigy, Amulets and Alchemy) allowed the magic to take on a
small degree of permanence. The veil of Isis
is renown for its production of Talismans and objects with magically enhanced
sigils, even the lowliest acolytes have small amulets and items of protection
that match the Heart Scarabs and symbols of office found on Mummys.
The second skill for which the Veil of Isis is renowned is the Spell of Life
and its derivatives (Necromancy) and the skills required for the preservation
and protection of corpses. Both the Undying and the Undead benefit from the
Cults manipulation of Matter and entropy in the upkeep of their lifeless
bodies. Those undying allied to the Priesthood are able to reanimate their Khat
much easier and need spend less Sekhem to reform and repair them. The Veils
understanding of the Egyptian practice of Ren Hekau (Nomenclature) runs
parallel to what they consider True Magick. Both the use of Quintessence,
depicted in art as rays extending from the Eye or disk of Re and the
manipulation of the Spheres, which they identify with different members of the
Ennead (see Cult of Thoth for a detailed explanation of the Egyptian view on
Magical practices). These latter spheres of magick were the specialisation of
the Cult of Thoth, but much of the Priesthood of Isis were considered to have
more than a passing skill in the magick of Hieroglyph and symbology.
Each Chantry (
of the Veil, called the House of Life, maintains a simply Hierarchy. A head
Priestess representing Isis herself is aided by a secondary acolyte, the
Nephthys, and for many Temples
these two form the entire household. Larger Chantry's are arranged below these
two, with roles set aside for the High priests; the Fortune tellers, Scholars
and teachers, who wear Ibis headed masks in important ceremony. Below them are
the The Anubis masked funerary staff (often Acolytes who are medical students
or working paramedics in the sleeping world), the members of the Cult
responsible for Healing others and for preserving the Khat of the Undying. Next
in line are the Horus masked guards and general laity who are expected to carry
out the menial tasks such as food preparation and cleaning duties. Outsiders
and guests will never see the deepest rituals and would never observe the
cultists in their full ceremonial garb, with masks and gold ornaments.
The largest
carry out countless other duties, from the feeding and dressing of statues to
the careful study of internet and media sources for signs of the agents of
Izfet. Areas are set aside in which the unoccupied Khat of the Undying can be
stored while they sojourn in the shadow lands and it is not unusual for these
areas to be opened up to house Vampiric allies or to hide those fleeing from
mortal or supernatural establishment. Most Temples have managed to obtain permission to
store the bodies of the deceased as practitioners of a 'pagan' religion. A
shared body of knowledge allows the Veil to carry out their duties in the
modern world without running afoul of the authorities.
Common Magicks
This is simply an idea
about what the Spell of life might involve. I wrote it for a scene in a Game I
never ran and only include it here for the sake of completeness. Take what you
like and ignore the rest. - Spike.
The process varied from age to age in
Egypt, but the key elements remain
consistent as is usual for sympathetic magic. It always involved removing the
internal organs (which were replaced, after treatment), treating the body with
resin, natron and various other unguents, and wrapping it in linen bandages
that have been inscribed with spells. The Magic's involved were long and
protracted, requiring long periods of preparation for the materials beforehand
and over 70 days to perform the rite correctly after the first Death of the
body. The minimum requirement of practitioners is three; the supplicant (the
Undying), the head priestess (representing Isis)
and her assistant (representing Nephthys). The supplicant petitions the two
Goddess, often swearing oaths as to how he will serve them as Isis and Nephthys
and as representatives of the Veiled Priesthood.
The supplicant:
May the king of Egypt
be gracious to me, that I may live on his grace.
May I greet the Mistress of the Land who is in his palace,
and hear the behests of her children. Then may my limbs grow young again;
for old age has descended; weakness has overtaken me,
my eyes are heavy and my arms faint; my legs fail to follow, my heart weary;
I am near to death!
May they conduct me to the Cities of Eternity, may I follow the Lady to the
Then may she tell me that all is well with her children;
may she traverse eternity over me!
(From the 'Tale of Sinuhe')
In the earliest days of the Veil of Isis, when the Goddess herself still
performed all the rites, any imperfections in the supplicant's mortal body were
corrected at this point (through Magic and the powers of Vampire blood) so that
he approached immortality in perfect health. The supplicant is then ritually
slain by Nephthys and the second part (the Post Mortem section) of the Ritual
is begun. The cord that ties the Soul together, the thread usually severed by
death, is made impervious to all outside forces. While the Body might become
dormant through lack of its spiritual components, this state is a temporary
one. The Fragments of the Soul that travel beyond the physical realm are still
bound to the corpse and will eventually return, thus reanimating the whole
This binding together of the soul prevents the portion that usually ascends to
Heaven from making that journey, it also circumvents the troubles encountered
when parts of the soul need to cross the gauntlet between the Shadowlands and
the skinlands. Parts of the Ritual conducted on earth echo across the gauntlet
and allow the Supplicants Wraith to battle the forces of Apophis he meets
their. This is a very dangerous time for all involved because the powerful
spell appears to act as a clarion call to the Baneful spirits attached to Apep.
Isis (the head priestess):
Come thou to me quickly
since I desire to see thy face after not having seen thy face ..
my heart is hot at thy wrongful seperation;
I yearn for thy love towards me
Come! be not alone! be not far off!
While the First priestess takes the role of Isis the grieving wife, wailing and
gnashing her teeth, her sisters actions are vastly contradictory. Nephthys role
is far more salacious. She dances and sings, tempting the soul back to the body
with sweet smelling fruits, wine libations and her own naked form, which she
rubs across the corpse, covering it with erotic kisses and whispering carnal
promises into its ears. Yet again the importance of the spiritual is not
allowed to overshadow the physical so that Ma'at is kept in Balance.
Nephthys (the second Priestess):
Draw nigh, so please you, to us
We miss life through Lack of Thee
Should the Wraith survive its terrifying journey and manage to gather the
requisite power and self awareness to return and if the Priestesses have
completed the ritual perfectly, then the Undying may arise. Ba, Ka, Ren, Ab,
Sekhem, Khu, Khaibit, Sahu and Akh are rejoined and a Mummy is created.
In recent years the Dja-akh or Spirit storm has made life difficult for the
Undying in the Shadowlands. For many this Maelstrom has managed to bring about
the unthinkable and the thread is broken. The Undying suffers the same
horrendous fate as the Akh that live in Amennti, most of whom are lost to
Oblivion. The portions of the Undying soul are rent asunder and can no longer
return to re-animate the Body (Khat), leaving little if anything of the
previous Supernatural being. As time goes on the Veil of Isis fears it will see
less and less of the original Undying return from their sojourn beyond the
gauntlet and those who do return will be greatly diminished and far from
Occasionally these wind tossed scraps of soul manage to fight there way back to
the skinlands, especially those that once formed part of the Undying, of Mages,
Vampires, Kings and Heroes, those who were already endowed with power or virtue
in life. These soul fragments desperately seek refuge and a few of them manage
to find a recently dead corpse with sufficient emotional residue to allow them
to re-animate it. The power of life flows into the corpse, burning away the
weak portions of its own soul. The fragment of an ancient Egyptian soul
replaces the flawed or impure portion of the modern soul, and it is called a
tem-akh, or "completing spirit." The new soul joins seamlessly with
old; the newly empowered soul merges once more with the body.
The resurrected individual is now in a race against time. Should it manage to
find a member of the Veil of Isis it can petition the priesthood to have a
weakened and less powerful Spell of Life performed upon it, allowing it to
remain in the skinlands, in effect resurrecting it as a lesser Undying or
Amenti. This 'Mummy' gains a second chance at life, but will one day have to
face the same spirit storm that tore it asunder, and risking the same fate
These new, unchosen reborn, referred to formally as an Amenti in honour of the
lost city of the dead, are fortuitous in finding a Cult of Isis only to happy
to bargain immortality in return for servitude. While it is true that the
Tem-akh were often important and well aspected Wraiths in the Dark Kingdom of
sand, it is just as possible for darker or less deserving souls to have
survived and crawled back to the land of the living, only time will tell how
many Amennti are friend and how many are Foe.